Skank Robbers
Who would've thought this would EVER happen?! Sheneneh & Wanda?..Together?! - I think hilariously funny would be an under-statement!
Based on the Novel by Sapphire, Precious is a 2009 drama film, about a teenage girl living in Harlem, who has been impregnated twice by her father and is withstanding a hurtful relationship with her mother. Starring Gabourey Sidibe, Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Lenny Kravitz & Mariah Carey. Produced by Tyler Perry & Oprah Winfrey.
Push is courageous and uncompromising, a shaken cocktail of debasement, elation, despair and hope.
Lemme baffle yo' soul...
Whatever you 'do' will reflect in my reflection of you.
What do you see?
They say a smile goes along way. What about the underlying intention? What if that smile was a no more than an empty one or one with a grudge behind it? A smile costs nothing but what if it comes with an untangible price like that of a warlord who's finally got paid? Or a corupt government official that just got elected?
If it's the thought that counts then what about the action? Thoughts become words and words become actions, so if action speaks louder than words, wouldn't you be able to hear my thoughts too?...
Tiananmen Square
June 5 however, saw one last act of defiance: a solitary man who placed himself in the way of a row of tanks, as if -- with nothing but his skinny body and two shopping bags -- he might take on the entire military. The tanks tried to reroute around him, but he stepped back into their line and continued to block them. He climbed onto the first tank and knocked against its hull -- in an act at once staggeringly defiant and yet oddly pleading. Then he disappeared into the crowd, never to be identified. Twenty years later, the impact of his actions remains as uncertain as his name.
Even 20 years later, it remains like that man we all remember, known everywhere and yet unknowable.
if I've sinned, pardon my disobedience and/
if I'm lost, bless me with your guidance and/
if I'm tainted, redeem my former innocence and/
let me rise, I realise just how wrong I've been!
- The Queen who would be King.
- The only female pharoah in the history of Egypt's ancient dynasty known to have ruled the longest reign.
- She dressed like a male pharoah would and eventually, dropped the female ending from her name ('t') and became His Majesty, Hatshepsu.
- Queen Hatshepsut was the first great woman in recorded history: the forerunner of such figures as Cleopatra, Catherine the Great and Elizabeth I.
- She was the first pharoah to venture out into the land of Punt and provide Egypt with incense, animals, animal skins, gum, gold, ivory and ebony.

Yinka Shonibare

Just One of 'Those' Dayz!
- Gym Class Heroes -

She Tuck's Me In...
Lyrics *excerpt*
The light of the full moon shines down,
illuminating the world with its divine light
When my lover sneaks in to visit me,
I wish that the clouds would hide that light just a little.