London - U.K

In London alone, 10 women are attacked each month after getting into an unlicensed mini-cab. No wonder that many women feel safer taking a taxi driven by a woman
Pink Ladies spotted a business opportunity, and created the UK's first women-only private car hire franchise. The Pink Ladies drive Renault Kangoos that are pink inside and out, making them highly visible. Passengers sign up as members, and fares are either pre-paid, paid by credit card or with a 'pink account', which is both convenient for members and safe for drivers.
Puebla - Mexico

In Puebla, privately financed Pink Taxi de Puebla invested 5.8 million pesos (about $440,000) to start the service and the Puebla state government provided licensing and training. Each pink taxi comes with a beauty kit, a GPS system and an alarm button.
The new fleet of 35 cabs in Mexico's colonial city of Puebla are driven exclusively by women and don't stop for men. The cabs cater especially to those tired of leering male drivers.
Dubai - U.A.E

Dubai is not particularly pedestrian-friendly and taxis are the best way to travel around the city. In January 2007 a fleet of pink taxis was introduced for women, children and families only.
Moscow - Russia

Pink Taxi is a Moscow service run by women for women. Not only does the company guarantee a safe ride, Pink Taxi drivers also offer advice, share gossip and make a concerted effort to lift their passengers' spirits.
Prominent feminist Maria Arbatova shrugged off the criticism that women shouldn't be driving taxis and that it's an of sexism. "The labeling of a taxi service for women as sexist is paramount to calling a female restroom sexist," Arbatova added. "The absence of such services was a manifestation of sexism."

Following the example of other Muslim and European countries, Kuwait is set to introduce “Eve Taxi” for women passengers as well.
Void - FILLED!
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