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Islamic Relief UK
The United Nations has rated the floods in Pakistan as the greatest humanitarian crisis in recent history.
Tabung Haji

Shariah-compliant funds are investment vehicles which are fully compliant with the principles of Islam. The funds are prohibited from making investments in industries categorized as morally deficient, such as those related to gambling or alcohol. Because Islam does not permit any form of exploitation, any kind of investment in conventional banking is outlawed. With the concept of debt also contrary to the principles of Islam, investment in highly leveraged companies is also not permitted for shariah-compliant funds.Think of it as a trust fund or money your folks would have saved up for you to go to college except in this case the government helps out & provides an account as soon as your born & proved eligable. Now, ain't that something?! If that doesn't promote goodness, I dont know what does. I think every Muslim country should adopt this purely for the sake of ihsan if they haven't already.

"We're not huge fans of religion, but we are huge fans of freedom."Well hey aren't we all *toothy smile* & I tell you I'm already a fan. See this is why I love art because it's a form of expression - sometimes used to speak out on issues that matter, issues that are relevant, educate the masses & touch hearts world wide!
Check them out on Twitter, Facebook & ofcourse their dope a$s page on Flickr
Deuces %
One Culture
My Islam is Glorious
My Islam is Tolerant
My Islam is Civilized
My Islam
Religion & Fashion
So much emphasis is placed on what faith groups can‘t wear that it‘s easy to lose sight of what they can – and do. Time Out meet the young Londoners making religion hip
The Arty Jew
Joel Stanley
28, MA student in applied drama, community worker and founder of Jewish theatre company Merkavah
‘I’m wearing a pair of black trousers from Jupiter, a stall which used to be on Camden Market; a white shirt bought in Israel; a jacket with distressed hem, bought for £3 from a secondhand shop in Notting Hill; a corduroy trilby by an Israeli designer and bought at Buddhafield Festival; Adidas Galaxy trainers; you can see my tzitzit [tassles tied to the corners of a tallis (prayer shawl) worn by religious Jews] peeking from under my jacket. I bought the tallis in Israel when I was studying at yeshiva (religious school) there. The whole outfit is playing with Jewish religious codes and finding what’s right for me. If you go to an orthodox synagogue for example, you will see men wearing black and white, or wearing hats. I want to recognise that code but don’t want to confine myself to a particular religious group. I wear the outfit mainly for Shabbat [Friday night and Saturday]. I like to feel different on Shabbat than during the rest of the week. It makes the day feel more special if I dress up. Otherwise, I often wear a kippah if I go out, although I also go bareheaded.’
The Christian Rockabilly
Lizzy B Houston
28, hair stylist and make-up artist
‘I’m wearing an anchor necklace from a tattoo convention in London last year. Anchors are a bit of a rockabilly thing, taken from the influence of 1940s sailors. The dress is Betsey Johnson, who is very 1950s-inspired; the shoes are from London store Sniff and the stockings from a shop in Camden. I’ve got “Grace” and “Faith” tattooed on each arm. I had it done about six years ago to show that I have faith but I’ve been saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. They are both amazing words. Grace is a religious word but it’s also about the way you carry yourself and dress; although most people would describe me as feisty. I’m a rockabilly and into everything from the whole 1940s Rosie the Riveter [US wartime working-woman propaganda icon] look, up to the glamorous looks of the 1950s. I am religious but the word really irks me. It’s about so much more than going to church. It’s a mentality and lifestyle. I have conversations with Jesus throughout the day. However, I do go to church on Sundays. I like the Glorious Undead Church in O’Reilly’s pub, Kentish Town, where kids who don’t like the Anglican style go in their punk, goth or metal gear.’
The urban Sikhs
Kulveer Singh and Nivraj Singh Bhander
Kulveer (left), 20, medicinal chemistry student, and Nivraj, 23, medical student
Kulveer ‘I’m wearing a pair of Nike trainers, baggy jeans, an American-style urban T-shirt from Lot 29 and a reversible hoodie. I’m also wearing a traditional Sikh turban and beard. I adhere to the Sikh ‘Five Ks’, which are religious symbols we wear which have spiritual significance. They are: kesh (uncut hair) because hair is a symbol of faith – mine’s about mid-length; kara, which is a steel bracelet worn on the right hand to reflect the bonds between Sikhs; kirpan, a tiny decorated dagger, representing honour. I wear mine inside my T-shirt; keshera are the boxer-style shorts we wear under our clothes, symbolic of moral character; and kanga is a small wooden comb we use to brush our hair, which is slotted in the hair under our turban. I tie my turban every day in front of the mirror. Every turban is unique because each person ties it a different way.
Nivraj ‘I’m wearing Evisu trainers; Ed Hardy embroidered jeans; T-shirt from LA designer Christian Audigier, Ed Hardy hoodie; a turban. I wear most of the Five Ks except the dagger, which can be a bit difficult to wear in hospital. My look is loud and grabs attention and it also makes people think: Wow, a guy in a turban can look cool.’
The casual rasta
Jahmel Ellison
Jahmel (second from left), 25, songwriter-guitarist in the Rasites, a Rastafarian band
‘Today the band’s looking quite casual. The whole vibe of Rastafarianism is that it embraces life without dictating too much what you should do or wear. I’m wearing a Lion of Judah badge [the motif featured on the old Ethiopian flag; for Rastafarians it represents their leader, Haile Selassie]. For gigs, we’ll often wear something red, gold or green [the Rastafarian colours], or Ethiopian white shirts. There are lots of tailors in West Green, Tottenham, where we live, that specialise in African garments. As a Rasta, I’ve grown my hair in keeping with the the Biblical Nazarene vow, which prohibits us cutting it. It’s to keep you closer to God by retaining yourself as God made you. All our parents brought us up with the religion. So we went to Nyabinghi [the strictest branch, or Mansion, of the movement] gatherings every Sunday. These days, you see Rastas working in banks and in all walks of life. Lots of people have adopted the look as a fashion but I can tell if someone’s a real Rastafarian by their manner and attitude to life.’
The Muslim tomboy
Shamima Debar
23, researcher, Muslim CafeTV website
‘I’m wearing Diesel jeans, a T-shirt with Greetings from the Ghetto (from threadless.com), grey H&M sweatshirt, a silver Aldo headband to match my trainers and my hijab, which is a scarf I bought in H&M. I’m quite a tomboy, but with a girlie twist. It’s important for me to reflect my Muslim faith in what I wear, so you’ll never see me with my hair uncovered and I don’t wear figure-hugging clothes. My religion comes first in how I dress but I give it a twist. For example, I’ll buy a sleeveless top but wear it with something under it. The whole layering thing that is fashionable now is something Muslims have been doing for a long time. I am a practising Muslim but have made a personal choice not to cover up further. Modesty is about the way you act, not just about what clothes you wear.’
...we can't fail...
"Lets love ourselves then we can't fail, to make a better situation
Tomorrow our seeds will grow, all we need is dedication"
- Lauryn Hill
'Ground Zero' Mosque - New York
Americans *smh* SOME should learn when to hold their piece for the sake of "not looking STUPID" - C'mon Son
"It is my hope that the mosque will help to bring our city even closer together and help repudiate the false & repugnant idea that the attacks of 9/11 were in any ways consistent with Islam." - Mayor Michael BloombergBeautifully said.
Now there's the pressing issue of Islamophobia. Religious leaders warn of a surge with hate speech and opposition to new Islamic centres across America.
A Florida church, Dove World Outreach Centre, is planning a "burn the Qur'an" day on September 11 and has already outraged Muslims by planting a sign on its front lawn that reads: Islam is the Devil.Yeah & burning the Quran in retaliation is definetly an act coming from a religion of peace?! *note the STRONG sense of sarcasm*
The church's senior pastor, Terry Jones, has said he is "exposing Islam for what it is".
"It is a violent and oppressive religion that is trying to masquerade itself as a religion of peace, seeking to deceive our society," the church said. "Islam is a lie based upon lies and deceptions and fear. In Muslim countries, if you preach the gospel or convert to Christianity – you will be killed. That is the type of religion it is."
O_o - & they say muslims are crazy!
As of Last night, Obama acknowledged "sensitivities" surround the 9/11 site, but said Muslims have the same right to practise their religion "as anyone else". (Am I provoking you more? - Keep reading you ignorant schmuck!)
In a speech at a White House dinner celebrating Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, Mr Obama waded into the row, saying:
"We must all recognise and respect the sensitivities surrounding the development of lower Manhattan, Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground. But let me be clear, as a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practise their religion as anyone else in this country.The site of the proposed mosque is about two blocks from the former World Trade Center
"That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community centre on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are."*teary-eyed* - Well said homeboy *sniff* Imma put my personal feelings against you aside & admit THAT was Beautiful *applause*
He told the group of US Congressmen, government officials and foreign dignitaries that America's tradition of religious tolerance distinguishes it from "our enemies".
"Al-Qaeda's cause is not Islam," he said, "it is a gross distortion of Islam".
In a few more years 'Racial differentiation' will be a thing of the past. I love the message on Rodstars' shirt -- "NO HUMAN BEING IS ILLEGAL" -- Brava I need to cop that!
We've reached another one - Alhamdulilah
*sigh* Mr. Woods
I don't watch golf or understand much about it for that matter but I know enough to realise that -THAT- does not sound good.
*a moment of silence please*
Now...what is it they say about karma? lol I know this is a mad thought but I think somebody done voodoo'd this child. Karma's a bitch but to mess with Tiger at THAT kinda magnitude -- you know she must have had ''assistance'' *side eye* C'mon Son.
"woman and man are the spiritual forces brought together to live"...
..."Yeah you might as well dance...gettin down Zulu"
As for the West Bank Wall...
Here's a satellite view of the barrier before & after its construction:

Artists like Pink Floyd's Roger Waters & Banksy among many have left their mark on the wall...Waters was quoted saying "it's craziness. It's a horrific edifice, this thing" after spray painting the words "tear down the wall". Whereas Banksy's feelings about the barrier are made explicit after painting nine images on the wall, including an image of a ladder going up and over the wall and an image of children digging a hole through the wall.
The wall has been written/drawn on by everyone & despite the extravagance & beauty the high-profiled artists provided, it is the art of the imprisoned locals that stands out. These are just some of the messages illustrated on the wall near the checkpoint inside Bethlehem

Remember the Berlin Wall
Artists like
Keith Haring

Thierry Noir

& Susanne Kunjappu-Jellinek

At historical places such as Potsdamerplatz, Checkpoint Charlie, Brandenburger Tor, and in Kreuzberg, those graffiti changed the Berlin wall into a tourist attraction. Remaining parts of the wall have taken on a new role, as a 1.3km art gallery.

Muslim summer camp preaches 'anti-terror' message
Warwick University is the venue for what is billed as the UK's first anti-terrorism camp.
'Love is purity'
The 1,300 delegates were listening to Dr Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, an Islamic scholar with a gift for rhetorical flourishes and what he describes as a message of love for mankind.
Talking in simple, slowly delivered sentences, the revivalist Pakistani-born cleric takes his audience of predominantly young British and European Muslims through what love means.
The full argument takes him 15 minutes, but he holds the audience's attention.
"Extremists and terrorists are in the minority in the Muslim ummah [brotherhood]. But they have always been vocal", he says. "The majority have always been against extremism and terrorism, but unfortunately they have always been silent. "The Islamic solution is integration. Get integrated into British society.
"It's not against your religion. Has the word Pakistan been revealed in the Koran? If you can be Pakistani and Muslim, why can you not be Muslim and British?" That anti-extremism message is at the heart of Dr Qadri's worldwide movement and its efforts to rapidly expand in the UK.
Earlier this year, he arrived in London to launch a launch a 600-page fatwa, or religious ruling against terrorism.
The weekend camp, called "The Guidance", was organised to back up that fatwa and has recruited participants from cities across the country.
Read More
It's sad that we have to keep reassuring ourselves and non-muslims that we're simply not terrorists. Differentiating ourselves to reach a bold divide, but I guess it just has to be done.
W'Allahu Ya3lam.
Hiroshima - 65 years later - Today!
The dropping of the first atomic bomb nicknamed ''Little Boy'' at the time was a deliberately exclusive mission assigned to just three U.S. planes which carried the ordnance the morning of this historic day.

Effect& Impact of the Bomb:
Those closest to the explosion died instantly, their bodies turned to black char. Nearby birds burst into flames in mid-air, and dry, combustible materials such as paper instantly ignited as far away as 6,400 feet from ground zero. The blast wave followed almost instantly for those close-in, often knocking them from their feet. Those that were indoors were usually spared the flash burns, but flying glass from broken windows filled most rooms, and all but the very strongest structures collapsed. Within minutes 9 out of 10 people half a mile or less from ground zero were dead.
The firestorm that later erupted took care of the lives that were still remaining. As if that wasn't enough, long term effects were the likes of cancer & radio-active poisoning all in due time shortening the lives of these victims.
The surviving victims of the bombings are called Hibakusha, a Japanese word that literally translates to "explosion-affected people."

The Hiroshima Castle
Originally constructed in the 1590s, the castle was destroyed in the atomic bombing in 1945. It was rebuilt in 1958, a replica of the original which now serves as a museum of Hiroshima's history prior to World War.
In the company of hibakusha who, on this day 65 years ago, were hurled, without understanding why, into a "hell" beyond their most terrifying nightmares and yet somehow managed to survive; together with the many souls that fell victim to unwarranted death, we greet this Aug. 6 with re-energized determination that, "No one else should ever have to suffer such horror."
In accordance with the Hiroshima Appeal adopted during last week's Hiroshima Conference for the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons by 2020, we will work closely with like-minded nations, NGOs, and the U.N. itself to generate an ever-larger tidal wave of demand for a world free of nuclear weapons by 2020.
On this, the 65th anniversary of the atomic bombing, as we offer to the souls of the A-bomb victims our heartfelt condolences, we hereby declare that we cannot force the most patiently enduring people in the world, the hibakusha, to be patient any longer. Now is the time to devote ourselves unreservedly to the most crucial duty facing the human family, to give the hibakusha, within their lifetimes, the nuclear-weapon-free world that will make them blissfully exclaim, "I'm so happy I lived to see this day."
Injustice Cannot Defeat Injustice
Some of America's leading Muslim figures speak on the use of violence as a means to impact change, and its contrary nature to Islam's teachings.